
ALLIES for a durable and healthy lawn!

Your Nutrite Expert is your best ALLY. They take it to heart to offer, thanks to their services, a durable and healthy lawn.


Developing a tight knit collaboration with the members of the Nutrite team maximizes your investment. An adequate maintenance, paired with heightened vigilance, will allow technicians from the Nutrite Experts Network® to intervene before damages are caused to lawns.

At Nutrite Experts Network®, we are convinced that this alliance will favor and maintain the green of your lawn to an optimal level for all our customers, and will minimize the impact of heat waves and invading bugs on lawns.

Being ALLIES, means teamwork.

Being an ALLY customer means :

Maintaining the sharpness of your mower’s blades
Mow lawns at the recommended height
Checking lawn conditions weekly
Avoid mowing during heatwaves
Making sure the lawn is sufficiently watered (when permitted)
Signing up for the horticulture alerts program from your Nutrite Expert
Quickly notifying your Nutrite Expert of all important changes in your lawn’s conditions

Order your lawn care package and services PLUS online!

It’s now possible to buy your lawn care package and services PLUS from your Nutrite Expert online. Go to our ordering platform and choose the package that suits you best.

We believe in the importance of seeing your lawn to make the right diagnosis and ensure a healthy, long-lasting lawn. Fill in your online order form and your Nutrite Expert will contact you to validate your services as soon as possible.